Thursday, September 12, 2013

Take a deep breathe

This is such a big transition time for so many right now. Kids going back to school, ministries and fall kick off at church, routine and schedules starting after a Summer full of fun. 

For our family it's a little different. Summertime means crazy long hours for my husband at work (which won't be over for a few more months) and Rogan doesn't start preschool till next year. 

I find myself craving that change in season (well, Fall is my favorite). Mainly because summer and all its work wears me down. I get locked in to cooking, cleaning, getting the garbage out, laundry, grocery shopping, mowing...and the list could go on.
I often forget to just STOP and appreciate all the blessings I have.

So I took an opportunity to drive 400 miles to see my parents, sis and brother in law. 

Every time I make that trip there is one thing that I consistently  find, when I'm in the wide open I can't help but take a deep breathe. 

Life seemed to slow down a bit even though we had a schedule packed full of fun activities. I think it's just the disconnect from all that life demands. 

Rogan experienced a lot of "firsts". Funny how grandparents and aunts can bring that out.

First time on a ferris wheel...

 I didn't get a choice and was roped into this. I  barely moved once we got in the rocking seat that holds you 46 feet above the ground. Yikes! We survived and Dad and I both held our cookies. Rogan was a beaming giddy boy the whole time.  

He chewed gum for the first time. How do you explain that concept of not swallowing it? He somehow figured it out though. And was so serious about the new responsibility...

We went to two rodeos which meant he got to be a cowboy like Grandpa. 

There were a few other firsts such as a wheelbarrow ride by TT (Auntie Trin), and an improvising potty break for an almost four year old in a packed grandstand. Many great memories that only time spent together can provide. 
As I reflected during my drive home I realized how often I get locked in on one thing. That one thing can be anything and it's always changing. There is always something in my life I could justify being stressed out over. 
Once I look up and look out, farther than my eye can see I then feel the weight fall from my shoulders then being able to enjoy the simple things and enjoy time with others. 
This past weekend I was greatly blessed by so much but what blessed me the most was the TIME spent with family and the new experiences with my son. 

Now that I'm home and back to the grind, I will chose to remember this one thing. 
Take a deep breathe and look up. Whether I'm hanging clothes on the line or driving through the rolling hills of eastern Washington there is always reason to look outside the burden of  today and be grateful for where God has me. 

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