Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Trusting Where He Leads (Even if it Means Sitting on a Bench)

I heard you whisper, it seemed to come out of nowhere. 

You asked me to take a step closer and follow you on this road.

One that I believed had been long closed down.

I questioned you at first. Could I really be hearing you correctly?

With great care you extended your hand and said, "Come child, follow me."  

"I know you have doubts and there are unknowns. I see your tired feet and weary heart. Please, trust me, just take my hand." 

With every ounce of courage I had left I stepped forward. I rolled my shoulders back and took a deep breathe, reaching for your hand. 

Excited, hopeful and scared I followed. The path winding and curving into the dark, so much I couldn't see, so much I didn't know. I had questions and fears, but every time I started to ramble doubts You calmly squeezed my hand. 

"Child, I've got this," You reassured. 

We came around a bend and before us was a steep hill, it was overwhelming, I couldn't imagine how my tired legs would make it. 

But somehow, one step at a time we were at the top of the hill. I looked over my shoulder with sweat on my brow and a burning in my lungs feeling a burst of motivation after the mountain we had climbed. 

Without much time to catch my breath, you waved me on and asked me to do the hard work of climbing yet another hill. And again somehow my weary body kept going. 

Then, as we came around a corner I saw it laid out before me. 

The most beautiful, flat, gently winding path. The sun glistened on the grass that was still wet with dew. I couldn't help but think that this stretch of the journey would be a bit easier, I welcomed a less demanding hike. 

Just about the time I felt giddy and excited for what was up ahead, for what the future holds...You STOPPED! 

Gently taking my hand in yours you led me to a bench just off the trail. Whispering you said, "Let's sit here awhile, we aren't in a hurry, we have time." 

Suddenly the breath left my lungs not because of exhaustion but instead from my plans changing, from a sudden halt in the forward momentum. I smiled and nodded. I muttered the words, "I trust you Jesus" as I sat down next to you on the bench trying so hard to believe that this was all part of the plan. 

As I sat there the disappointment sank in deeper and my newly hopeful heart sank lower. Tears ran down my face as I cried out to you, reminding you that I was reluctant to start this journey in the first place. It took every last bit of hope left in my weary heart and now, I've been benched. I took that first step, the hardest step and found excitement in the future and then just like that, I find myself waiting again.

I dry my tears and look around, surrounding me are miracles, beauty and blessings. You sit humbly beside me offering words of hope (if I will listen). The leaves are falling peacefully from the trees and the birds are chirping on a crisp fall day. I find enjoyment here, there is beauty all around. I will make another difficult choice, I will choose to rest here with you as long as needed. Though I am antsy and anxious I will continue to trust you, I will continue to wait for your leading as we walk to the finish line. 
