Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Just say No to guilt

This time of year seems to be a perfect opportunity to feel guilt. The Holidays bring with them so much "extra". Extra stress, extra eating, extra spending, extra couch potato time. All those extras and lack of routine are no good for me. My husband just reminded me that this happens every year where I start beating myself up for all the ways I feel I failed. Christmas is over and we're fighting sickness and I didn't take care of myself by exercising and eating good foods. 

And then I feel guilty. I hate to admit it, but he is right. I follow the same cycle every year. 

I groggily got up and stumbled to the couch with my coffee this morning and opened up my devotional by Beth Moore to find this:
"Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything. Dear friends, if we don't feel guilty we can come to God with bold confidence." 1 John 3:20-21 
Beth writes, "In the dead of night when insecurities crawl on us like fleas, all of us have terrifying bouts of insecurity and panics of insignificance. Our human natures fail pitifully to the temptation at times to pull out the tape measure and gauge ourselves against people who seem far more gifted and anointed by God." 
I can SO relate to the insecurities that crawl on me at night... (sounds kinda creepy). But those are the times that my mind replays the day. I analyze conversations and the words that came out of my mouth. "I wasn't very kind and patient with so and so. I was critical and judgmental. I didn't run or exercise (I could have at least done a couple push ups or a plank!) I really shouldn't have eaten that cookie or ...(fill in the blank), I should have played with Rogan more, he watched a lot of TV...."  The list could go on but I won't subject you to anymore of my crazy thoughts. 

Guilt! Nasty deceiving lies that sneak in and distract. 

I find it really interesting that 1 John begins with, "See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!"

I'm not acting like a child of God when I beat myself up for falling short. I can also say I'm not going before his throne like a forgiven child of God when I'm busy analyzing my day. Beth also says, "One way we have to respond (to the lies) is by choosing to believe what we know rather than what we feel." 

I don't always feel like a child of God and my actions don't always show it, but I choose to believe that I am because that is what He calls me. 

With 2014 just hours away I think today is great day to let go of 2013 and all the expectations I had for it. 

No guilt. Just a fresh new year where I can go boldly before throne of my heavenly Father, accepting his grace and forgiveness every day. I'm not one for new years resolutions, but if I had to pick one this would be it. 

Accept His love and go to Him with bold confidence as his daughter!  

Happy New Year friends! Thanks for reading. 

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